High Holiday Planning
By end of June:
Honors Committee works on assignments: Arlene, Mark, Joanie Cohen
Request board members for honorees' names: Janet Davis
Request police security for HH: Steve Mirsky and Becky Hirsch
Review scripts for services and deliver to Mark and Arlene: Rabbi
President's Letter to Phil Williams for inclusion in HH mailing: Phil Williams
Rabbi's Letter to Phil Williams for inclusion in HH mailing: Rabbi
Publicize opting out of receiving HH mailing, accepting e-mail instead: Nancy
-- for response to Finance@MishkanTorah.org
Go over forms in HH mailing: Phil
Get HH mailing packet to Mark: Phil
Packets mailed by U.S. Mail: Phil, and e-mailed: Mark, six weeks before RH
Talitot to dry cleaners, Galaxie Cleaners (David Draimen): Chris Doyle
Thank you note to Galaxie Cleaners: Bill
Plan for Selichot
End of August:
Notify board members that side rooms unavailable starting on chair set-up date: Janet D
Notify cleaning staff of holidays RH through Sukkot: Nancy
Get parade permit and request police presence for Simchat Torah: Janet Mirsky
Request for volunteers to set up chairs, restore chairs, build sukkah, take down sukkah: Bill and Bret??
Polish silver (Charry-Fishman family), polish wood on bima (Becky/PMI)
Prepare Yizkor book: Marilyn, Arlene
Order Lulavim and Etrogim: Yoni
Check sound system: Yoni
After Selichot:
Prepare Torahs for HH: change mantels, roll: Yoni, Rabbi
Set up chairs: Bill, Bret, Becky
Machzorim place on seats: Janet Davis/Arlene Gottlieb after Shabbat services corralled folks to put them on seats. Should be done on the Shabbat preceding RH.
Signs for handicapped seats: Becky
Pledge cards (no envelopes) placed on tables: Arlene
Silk flowers: Becky
RH Day-of Tasks:
Tickets: Arlene. 50 is enough for folks who want to know all the dates.
Greeters: Joanie
Shamas: Arlene
Israel appeal: Jeffrey and Josh Rosen
Synagogue appeal: President
Shofar blowers: Gary Kohn organize
Before YK:
Place Yizkor books on seats: Arlene with help from Kol Nidre folks
Purchase food for break-fast. Barbara Bennett.
YK Day-of Tasks:
Read Yizkor names: Sue Stregack and Jan Bloom
Shofar blowing: Gary and Robert, including final t'kiyah g'dolah
Break-fast set up: Sue Zuk and Tomecek-Cavigelli family
Break-fast clean-up: need volunteers to help Sue, T-Cs
havdallah prep: Sue Zuk
Before Sukkot:
Restore seats and put away machzorim: Bill and volunteers
Build sukkah: Bret and school parents
Sukkot Eve in sukkah (not in 2016)
Sukkot First Day: services
Sukkot Second Day: no services, but blackout day for scheduling
Shemini Atzeret and Yizkor
Simchat Torah parade: blessing of the children, Torah reading, but shortened evening service
-- Israeli folk dancing: Jackie and Arnold Kling
food and drinks for Erev Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah Day: no services, but blackout day for scheduling
After Sukkot:
Take down sukkah: School parents